Nowadays , the best way to get into limelight is indulge in hooliganism in the name of culture. This is what precisely done by Pramad Muthalik and the obscure organization, Ram Sena, dominated the national headlines and became the talk of the every household. These rowdies went on the rampage to protect the so called Indian culture. This raises several questions about culture viz, Is it static?, Are there particular guidelines to be followed ?, Is it different for men and women ?, Is there something called “Indian culture”, with India being so diverse ?, and above all, Can it be defined ? and if yes then who will ?
Anthropologists define culture as sum total of ways of living built by a group of human beings and transmitted from one generation to another. Now the coming generations with their thinking capabilities must amend the unwritten rules according the changed circumstances and this is how culture evolves. If culture is static then why have we banned “Sati”, the practice of human sacrifice by the tribals in Chota Nagpur region, Purdah system, untouchablity etc. At one time all these formed the basis of our culture but now they are no more considered a part of it. Culture is something ever evolving and it takes its own course depending upon the environment of society. These miniature group of rowdies cannot define culture, leave alone the idea of containing culture.
With India being full of diversity, How can we have a common culture? Why would a community in North East or Kerela abide by something which is Punjabi or Hindi in nature.
Moreover, howcome the guidelines are different for men and women in our society. These self appointed thekedars of Indian culture, only remember culture when women started going to pubs. They never pitched their voice when men were visiting these pubs. These punks only remember culture when girls roam with their friends outside.
I feel the basic question is not about culture but the liberty to the gentle sex. Most of us are not comfortable with the idea of women given the equal opportunity and liberty. We frown when they demand autonomy to decide their future, their life partner and more importantly their just place in this male dominated society. These things are somehow deep seated in our minds, and need great deal of resistance to overcome that. But we certainly have to do that if we want to maintain ourselves in this race of civilization. How can we hope to take-on the world if we just waste half of our human resource in the name of protecting the culture?